Boudoir Photo in Bedroom

Gift Card

Sumico Photography’s Gift Cards are wonderful gifts for someone special – Birthday Gifts, Mother’s Day Gifts, Father’s Day Gifts, Wedding Gifts or Anniversary Gifts.

Sumico Photography is located at 8B, 15 Tedder Avenue, Main Beach, Gold Coast. The photo shoot will be at Sumico Photography Studio or surrounding areas. Other locations may be available and will incur a travelling fee.  The gift cards are not redeemable for cash.

The amount of the gift card can be customised.  Please call us on 0425 261 729 or send us the form.

Gift Card Session Fee

Gift Card | Portrait Session Fee

Price: $385.00

Includes: Pre-consultation, professional hair and makeup for one person & a fully guided photo shoot and photo reviewing session.

Note: Images are not included and are available for purchase. This gift card is not redeemable for cash.

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7x10 inch print in 11x14 inch white mount - Sumico Photography

Gift Card | 7×10 inch print

Price: $352.00

Includes: 7×10 inch print in 11×14 inch white mount, its digital file.

Note: This gift card is not redeemable for cash.

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Gift Voucher $110

$110 Gift Voucher

Price: $110.00

The voucher can be used for session fee or purchasing the products or services that Sumico Photography offers.

Note: The gift card is not redeemable for cash.

Gift Voucher $220

$220 Gift Voucher

Price: $220.00

The voucher can be used for a session fee or purchasing the products or services that Sumico Photography offers.

Note: The gift card is not redeemable for cash.

Gift Voucher $550

$550 Gift Voucher

Price: $550.00

The voucher can be used for a session fee or purchasing the products or services that Sumico Photography offers.

Note: The gift card is not redeemable for cash.

Gift Voucher Terms and Conditions

  • The gift voucher is not redeemable for cash.
  • Sumico Photography is located at 8B, 15 Tedder Avenue, Main Beach, Gold Coast. The photo shoot will be at Sumico Photography Studio or surrounding areas. Other locations may be available and will incur a travelling fee.
  • Cancellation or postponement of weekday session: If less than 3 days’ notice is provided, a cancellation fee is incurred.
  • Cancellation or postponement of weekend session: If less than 21 days’ notice is provided, a cancellation fee is incurred.
Framed Portrait
Mother and Daughter Portrait
Family Portrait