Dear All Mums, Please exist in photos.
Hi, I am Sumiko Eyears, a professional portrait photographer of Sumico Photography based between Brisbane and Gold Coast.
Recently, I have read an article in Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that many people can relate to the article.
“When my friend’s mother died he found himself desperately needing to have photos to remember his mum by. But it dawned on him for the first time that, despite loving his mum dearly, he’d never once taken a photo of her.
Hoping that other people had taken photos of his mum, my friend combed through his mum’s possessions and his own childhood memorabilia looking for them.
He eventually managed to unearth one. Just one. That was it. One photo in total.
And it wasn’t recent. It was a yellowed photo of him as a toddler dressed in overalls trying to scramble off his mother’s knee.”
One of my friends said recently, if she died tomorrow her young kids would have no evidence to show that she was in their lives.
I am a mum of a son and two furry children. I was the same like the mum – writer’s friend – who does not exist in my son’s childhood. I did not want to get in the photos. Every time I saw myself in the photos, I just looked for something wrong about myself. There are so many photos of my husband and him, our dog and him, him and his friends but very little photos of me and him. Now I regret and I wish that I would be in the photos more often. There is not much evidence that I was with him when he was little. Sadly, I cannot go back to the time when he was little and take photos of me and him.
Luckily, we had been taken photos professionally when our son was 7 year old and I love the photos. I am so glad that we did. That’s why I like to recommend the experience with professional photographers.
I like all the mum to exist in the photos for their children.
Mother and Daughters Portrait with Sumico Photography from Sumico Photography on Vimeo.
This Mother’s Day, let me take beautiful portraits for you and your children.
You are perfect and beautiful as you are. Please do not wait.
I will guide you how to stand, how to pose throughout the session.
*conditions may apply.
Please have a look at our gallery video and portrait page.
A Full Story of the Sydney Morning Herald: http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/parenting/a-plea-for-fathers-to-take-more-photos-of-the-mother-of-their-children-20170413-gvkkov.html